Wedding: A Life Changing & Making Event
Weddings in India Life is all about happenings but there are few events that change our life such as wedding ceremony. It is the dream event for anyone where two individuals agreed to become life partner of each other. It is the event where not just a boy and a girl bonds in a new relationship but their families also indulge in fresh relationships. Further, new relationships give birth to new rights and duties which the couple has to follow in order to live a happy married life. Difficulties will come but proper and timely concern will save the husband and wife from them. Weddings generally of two types - love marriage and arrange marriage. In love marriages, the couple starts with ‘coup de foudre’ and then promise to keep happy each other. But, perhaps most importantly, they have to agree their parents for their relationship and convince them that you will not break your love throughout the life. If your parents agreed then there will be no difficulty in tying the nuptial knot ...